essence of beauty

美 [ˈesns əv ˈbjuːti]英 [ˈesns ɒv ˈbjuːti]
  • 网络美的本质;美的精髓
essence of beautyessence of beauty
  1. Section one is the essence of beauty .


  2. Four Layers of the Essence of Beauty


  3. Nature Is the Origin of the Essence of Beauty


  4. What is the essence of beauty ?


  5. Essence of Beauty In the Eye of Taoism of Lao zi


  6. On the Essence of Beauty


  7. To him , the questioning and definition of the essence of beauty was a wrong behavior .


  8. Later Wittgenstein on Clearing up Essence of Beauty


  9. The essence of beauty can exhaustively answer the question of the origins of beauty .


  10. Imperfectness in Definition of Essence of Beauty


  11. Thus , the essence of beauty etc , classical questions are no more significant , beauty is only a question of Being .


  12. Distance plays a kind of magical interval , detachment and filtering on aesthetic object , which illustrates the essence of beauty .


  13. It plays an extremely vital role to break mechanical materialism esthetics view and offers a new way to ponder the essence of beauty .


  14. Painting is a kind of highly-refined essence of beauty and the beauty of the form which accumulates the contents .


  15. From the angle of law to study the question of essence of beauty , it provides a kind of new angle to the study the essence without doubt .


  16. Objectification is a core category of the discussion about the essence of beauty at present , which obviously cannot be understood narrowly .


  17. According to Marxist practical conception , Lizehou explained the essence of beauty and believed that essence of beauty is objective and socialized .


  18. Social beauty straightforwardly demonstrates the essence of beauty ; it is " natural humanization " and the basis for the cognition of natural beauty .


  19. Meanwhile , the article studies objects of beauty and its four evolving stages , thus clarifying the fact that the essence of beauty is continuously evolving .


  20. The self-presenting layer indicating the layer that subjects can find and confirm themselves , which is the core layer of the essence of beauty ;


  21. The homing of aesthetics value to the subject of life is the essence of beauty , while beauty is the best clarification to the expressing of life .


  22. Schiller 's statement that " the artistic essence of beauty is the outer appearance " is a full demonstration of his esthetic anthropology .


  23. Objectification is the core category that concerns the essence of beauty . The develpment of this category is closely related to the development of the recognition of human nature .


  24. So then what does aesthetic education cultivate students ? What does aesthetic education want to make students have ? The crux to answer those questions is that we must make certain the essence of beauty .


  25. The essence of beauty is a structure of layer society , which may be departed into four layers : the layer of sensible matter indicating the material existence to that aesthetic objects adhere ;


  26. Practice aesthetics is based on Marxism practice philosophy . It regards practice as the link between human and nature , and the essence of beauty is boiled down to human 's essence power to be object .


  27. It is not only the essential way for the subject of love to grasp the essence of beauty , but also the meaning itself for the living participation and ultimate duty of the subject of love .


  28. The beauty of music is researched from the noumenon of music as well as from the whole process in which music influence human so as to get a complete idea of the essence of beauty of music .


  29. In the theories of beauty , the former part discusses the Chinese ancient prevalence points on the essence of beauty , and the later part discusses the different points about beauty from the Confucian school , Taoism school and Buddhism .


  30. However , the origin of beauty is not the essence of beauty , which is the prescription for the four aspects of quality , quantity , relationship and pattern as involved in the judgment activities in terms of aesthetic judgment .
